import re def extract_filing_date(content): """ extracts filing date from the documents. """ pattern = r"\w+\.?\s\d{1,2}\,\s\d{4}|\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}" try: return, content).group(0) except: return "None" def email_extraction(content): """ Extracts emails from a document. """ regex = r"(\w+\-)?\w+@[a-z]+\.[a-z]{2,3}" result = [] emails = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE) for email in emails.finditer(content): result.append( return result def telephone_number_extraction(content): """ Extracts telephone number[s?] from a document """ regex = r"\(?\d{3}\)?[\-|\s]\d{3}[\s|\-]\d{4}" numbers = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE) result = [] for number in numbers.finditer(content): result.append( return result def address_extraction(content): """ extracts address from the documents. """ regex_address = r"\w+.*\n\w+.*\n\w+.*\w{2,4}\s\d{5}" try: return, content).group(0) except: return "None"