1.5 KB

    <a href="">
        <img src=".github/newscout_text_light.png" height="50">
     <h3>Newscout Mobile Client<h3>

Table of Contents

Project Setup

Please refer to the React Native Documentation

  1. Install Node v18
  2. Install Java JDK 17
  3. Install Android Studio
  4. Clone Project from GOGS

    git clone
    1. Check Dependancies by running bash npx react-native doctor NOTE: Please rectify the issues shown by RN Doctor before running the project.
  5. Install NPM Packages

    npm install
    1. For Debugging, Use an android device or emulator
    2. For Android Device
      1. Follow this guide for Running on Device
    3. For Emulator

      1. Install KVM
      2. Create a Virtual Device with AVD Manager in Android Studio
    4. Run Project with

      npx react-native start

Project Description