# POC Documentation 1. Setup the folder structure https://medium.com/@techwithmuskan/best-folder-structure-for-react-native-project-c6d7dd6dd494 2. Setting up the theme constants folder 3. Setting up the react-native-vector-icons https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons#installation 4. Setup the assets with fonts, svg and static images as per requirements https://blog.logrocket.com/adding-custom-fonts-react-native/ 5. Setup React-native-linear-gradient https://blog.logrocket.com/complex-gradients-react-native-linear-gradient/ 6. Setup Experimental Android Animation on Project 7. Use React Native Bottom Sheet for Bottom sheet Modals # Changes 1. Make API Data Persists within the app. Use Watermelon DB